Activitatile desfasurate la CNLR

Vă invităm să luaţi parte la activităţile interactive care vor fi făcute in cadrul Colegiului Naţional "Liviu Rebreanu".Puteţi să vă implicaţi in proiecte precum:World Space Week sau diferite concursuri care ţin de această tematică.


World Space Week 2016

World Space Week 2016 was, by far, the largest space celebration in history. We estimate that the total number of events will exceed 2,400 in over 80 nations. This compares to about 1,900 events in 73 nations in 2015. There were over 1,300 organizations participating. Reports are still coming in. There are many ways to explore the results of the global WSW 2016 celebration: View global highlights Browse the new nation pages Click on a world map of event locations Search for #worldspaceweek and #wsw2016 on Twitter See posts on the WSW Facebook page Congratulations to all, including the many participating organizations, national coordinators, and World Space Week Association volunteers and staff, sponsors, and partners.

World Space Week 2015

World Space Week 2015 highlights the great era of deep space discovery that we are in. We have never learnt as much of the universe we live in as in the last decade. Space telescopes, deep space probes and several interplanetary satellites and landers have shown us the magic, wonders and opportunities of new worlds. Exoplanets, galaxies far away and close by and landings on planets, moons, asteroids and comets teach us about where we humans have come from and where we will go in the future. Space is all about Discovery! We are certain that this exciting new theme will be a source of inspiration for your World Space Week event in 2015! And if the theme doesn’t provide enough inspiration, we hope that our brand new poster will!